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News archives
The news archives hold all posts written before 19/01/2016 00:00
The live news are to be found in the active news

Understanding GAMAO versions - by Mahdi_Alibi 17/01/2016 08:00

Not yet available

Installation guide - by Mahdi_Alibi 17/01/2016 07:38

Not available in English

New version of GAMAO - by Mahdi_Alibi 07/01/2016 21:12

New version of GAMAO - by Mahdi_Alibi 16/09/2015 02:46

A new version of GAMAO is out, it's the version

This version is a minor update it drives some improvements and corrections of minor errors in the software

New version of GAMAO - by Mahdi_Alibi 06/08/2015 01:05

The new version of GAMAO is out, it's the version

This version is a minor update it drives some improvements and corrections of minor errors in the software.

So in this new version:

- Addition of the discount on estimate and invoice

- Separation of  footers and headers for intervention slip, reception slip, Estimate and invoices.

- possibility of eliminating the conversion of amounts in letters in the estimate and the invoices.

It is recommended to update your installation to this version of GAMAO

New version 3.5 - by Mahdi_Alibi 25/05/2015 06:17

A new version of GAMAO is announced.
Version 3.5 is a major update of the software.
It includes several new features:
- New Interface
- Fixed some errors.
- Optimization of treatment.
You can download this version from the download section

Version 0.99 beta of Koffre software is released - by Mahdi_Alibi 18/02/2015 21:15

The new version of Koffre is posted

This is the version 0.99 beta.

02/18/2015 V0.99a on-line

- Fixed error when closing the application

- Add the possibility to pause the application

02/13/2015 0.99 V on-line

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